Side Effects Of Chemotherapy and Radiation

Cancer is a dreaded diagnosis for any patient looking for a clean bill of health. While many forms of cancer are treatable, the road to recovery is long and painful. Surgery, chemo, and radiation therapy are the most widely used forms of cancer treatment. It is not uncommon knowledge how hard these therapies are on the body.  Here you will find a brief overview of the side effects of conventional cancer treatment.

Short Term Effects

Chemo and radiation have a laundry list of side effects that will subside once the treatment is finished. The most common include:

Fatigue. Most patients report an unending feeling of tiredness and weakness brought on by the effects of cancer treatment.

Nausea and Vomiting. Chemo is, unfortunately, a potent poison. While it does kill cancer cells, it also attacks healthy ones. It is the body’s natural response to want to purge these toxins.

Hair Loss. Chemo and radiation attacks actively multiplying cells such as cancer. Hair follicles are also active cells which are attacked by the treatment.

Long Term Side Effects

There are many effects of chemo and radiation therapy that can last a lifetime.

Infertility. This form of cancer treatment can lead to fertility issues for both men and women. Women can even experience early menopause. These effects are usually permanent.

Nerve Damage.  Permanent numbness and tingling in various places on the body are not an uncommon after effect of cancer treatment.

Permanent Hair Loss. This is usually due to radiation therapy alone. In these cases, the active cells found in hair follicles die completely.

Memory Problems. This side effect is also called “chemo brain.” Many patients experience issues with long and short term memory that is severe enough to impact daily life.

Shortened Life Span

Unfortunately, traditional cancer treatment can be just as likely to shorten life spans as cancer itself.  This is especially true for patients who choose to undergo therapy when given a terminal diagnosis.

In  1979, an issue of the American Medical Association published an article by Dr. Maurice Fox, on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Based on studies conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Fox discovered many disturbing details of cancer treatment including:

  1. Total mastectomy was no more effective than a simple lump removal.
  2. The diagnosis of breast cancer doubled in frequency from 1935 to 1975, and the death rate had also doubled, meaning little-to-no progress had been made in the success of cancer treatment.
  3. A longer life span was found in patients who refused medical intervention than those who submitted to traditional treatments.
  4. Early detection meant quicker treatment and untimely death.

Controversy of Alternative Therapies

There are alternative therapies and natural treatments to cure cancers that are not invasive and suggest drastic diet change. These methods are shown effective by a treatment plan known as The Gerson Therapy. Founded by Dr. Gerson in the 20th century, he documented many recoveries of cancer patients and it is said that many were cured as a result of his alternative therapies.

Unfortunately, the United States does not allow doctors to treat cancer patients with alternative therapies, so the freedom of treatment, if you choose to go the traditional route, which often includes chemo and radiation therapy, your already weakened body will need to endure the onslaught of these toxic treatments.

It is not the purpose of this site to diagnose or advise of any treatment of any disease, we’re merely pointing out what has already been documented and what the data shows.

You decide for yourself.

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