Big Pharma’s drugs are killing more people every year – here is the reason why

We all know that drugs are bad, but many of us only associate the term “drugs” with illegal substances. However, medications can be just as dangerous as any other type of drug. Every year, more and more people are dying as a result of being addicted to prescription medications or suffering from serious side effects. Lives are being destroyed through the use of these medications.

Big Pharma companies simply gloss over or hide the fact that their products are causing more deaths than some wars ever did. Over the last decade, drug overdose deaths in the United States have increased twofold. Deaths caused by drug overdoses – which include opioid-related deaths- increased from 16,849 in 1999 to a staggering 70,237 in 2017 alone. And this trend hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down.

As more and more people start taking different medications each day, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that dangerous side effects are becoming more common. In many cases, the side effects caused by prescription drugs are even worse than the conditions that they supposedly treat. 

Medication side effects can range from the relatively mild -such as headaches and dizziness- to the truly severe -such as anemia, mood alterations, addiction, and even death. In some cases, these side effects end up requiring further medications and medical intervention, leading to greater expenses and worse health outcomes.

And to make matters worse, the pharmaceutical industry has been allowed to manipulate the population through their marketing campaigns. They make vulnerable people believe that their products are safe, but at the same time, they are peddling new medications that will cause even more side effects. 

Even the scientific community acknowledges that up to 7 percent of all hospital admissions in the U.S. every year are due to adverse side effects caused by medications. Thousands of medical emergencies need to be treated every year because of the side effects derived from prescription drugs. But if we know that this is happening, and that it is so frequent, why are so many medications still being prescribed to hundreds of millions of people every day?

The answer, of course, has to do with money. The pharmaceutical industry makes billions of dollars each year, and they’re not going to let some side effects interfere with their profits. So instead, they simply pay to hide these adverse side effects from the public. As a result, people continue to take their medications without realizing that they could suffer from devastating consequences.

These are some of the strangest side effects that can be caused by medications:

  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Painful blisters on your skin
  • Gambling addiction
  • Swollen, painful palms and feet
  • Numbness, tingling, and shooting pain in different parts of your body
  • Blisters around your mouth
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Vivid nightmares
  • Loss of smell
  • Priapism, which is a painful and long lasting erection
  • Nails falling off
  • Feeling like you want to “crawl” out of your skin
  • Hallucinations

Would you really want to risk your health like that? And this list, of course, doesn’t include the risk of becoming addicted to your medications. Big Pharma knows exactly what they are doing: they sell drugs that are highly addictive so that people always need to take them, and they market other medications that are meant to “treat” the side effects caused by their own products. It’s a vicious cycle that has led many people to illness, depression, financial problems, and death.

At the end of the day, Big Pharma doesn’t care about you regaining your health. In fact, they can make even more money by keeping you sick through numerous side effects that require even more medications. Thanks to these convenient side effects, you’ll end up spending tons of money on new drugs without ever feeling truly healthy.

Nowadays, opioid overdoses cause more deaths in the U.S. than automobile accidents, homicides, shootings, and suicide. And yet, opioids are still being prescribed everyday without a second thought. Previously healthy people are being turned into drug addicts who lose their homes, families, jobs, money, and even their lives thanks to these medications. As long as they’re still paying for their prescriptions, Big Pharma doesn’t care.

That’s why it’s so important to educate other people on the dangers of prescription drugs. Trying to go against a multi-billion dollar industry is incredibly difficult, but spreading information and knowledge can make other people aware of the dangers of prescription medications. By spreading awareness, we can keep more people safe from harmful drugs and their side effects.

Little known side effects of Tylenol.

Tylenol, also known as paracetamol or acetaminophen, is one of the most widely used medications in the word. Paracetamol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID. Other drugs that belong in this category include ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin.

Many people don’t think twice before taking a pill or two of Tylenol. Most of us keep a bottle of this medication at home, and we take it whenever we have symptoms of a cold, a toothache, a headache, or even after a night of partying. In many cases, people ignore that paracetamol can cause negative side effects.

Paracetamol is available in many pharmacological forms. These include tablets, suppositories, soluble tablets, capsules, pediatric solutions, and intravenous solutions. Additionally, many cold or flu medications contain paracetamol along with a combination of other drugs; it’s very important to check the active ingredients that make up any medications you’re taking.

Paracetamol is generally safe, as long as you don’t exceed the recommended dosage. But many people ignore the fact that you can easily go over this dose; similarly, people might not know which other substances or medications shouldn’t be taken alongside paracetamol. All medications can potentially cause side effects; knowing these possible side effects will allow you to recognize them and seek medical attention quickly if necessary.

Read on to discover more about the little-known side effects of Tylenol.

List of rare Tylenol side effects

Rare (less than 0.1%):

  • Bloody or black stools
  • Malaise
  • Increased hepatic enzymes
  • Acute liver failure
  • Drug-induced hepatitis
  • Skin rash or hives
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Sore throat
  • Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Fever
  • Lip sores or ulcers
  • Decreased urination

Very rare (less than 0.01%):

  • Pemphigoid reaction
  • Pustular rash
  • Lyell syndrome
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Leucopenia
  • Neutropenia

Why you shouldn’t mix alcohol and Tylenol

Many people are used to taking a tablet of paracetamol before going to bed after consuming alcohol. This is based on the belief that the paracetamol will help you avoid feeling hungover the following day. However, paracetamol shouldn’t be mixed with large amounts of alcohol. Both alcohol and Tylenol are metabolized in your liver; combining these two substances can overpower your liver’s ability to work correctly.

In rare cases, this mix can cause hepatic damage and even acute liver failure. If you want to take a painkiller to avoid feeling hungover the day after drinking alcohol, go for ibuprofen or naproxen. These medications don’t carry the same risk of liver failure when mixed with alcohol as Tylenol.

You should also avoid paracetamol if you’re taking any of the following medications:

  • Carbamazepine
  • Ketoconazole
  • Metoclopramide
  • Warfarin
  • Phenobarbital
  • Phenytoin

How much Tylenol does it take to cause an overdose?

In adults, the maximum recommended dosage of paracetamol is 4 grams per day. Most paracetamol capsules or tablets are available in 250 mg or 500 mg forms. That means that if you’re taking one pill every 8 hours, you’re very unlikely to reach the maximum dosage. However, if you take two 500 mg pills every 6 hours, you’ll reach the maximum amount of paracetamol that you can take each day.

In children, the maximum dosage of paracetamol will depend on their age and weight. Before giving your child paracetamol, check with a healthcare professional who can calculate the dose that they can safely tolerate, and how much time you should wait between doses. Never medicate children without talking to a doctor first.

Paracetamol overdose is extremely rare, but it does happen. The liver is the most commonly affected vital organ. If you suspect you or a loved one is suffering from a paracetamol overdose, you’ll need to seek medical attention immediately. In very rare cases, a paracetamol overdose can lead to death.

Symptoms of a paracetamol overdose:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased sweating
  • Abdominal pain or cramps
  • Swelling in the upper portion of the abdomen

Overall, paracetamol is a very effective and safe medication, which is the reason why so many physicians prescribe it every day. However, it’s always important to learn more about the possible side effects that can be caused by any medications you consume. Although most of these side effects are extremely rare, they can occur and knowing about them will allow you to detect them sooner.

Children are particularly prone to suffering from side effects if they’ve been given a dosage that is inappropriate for their age and weight. If your child is taking paracetamol, make sure to keep an eye out for any new symptoms or changes in their behavior. If you suspect anything is wrong, seek medical attention immediately.


The Benefits of Using an Answering Service

Recent studies revealed that roughly 75% of people hang up when encountering voicemail, likely hitting 90% plus in recent months. The reason for the high percentage of rejection may be due to the fact that getting to voicemail is very rare these days.

Missed called often receive return phone calls, and I have been known to rack up so many voicemail recordings that eventually people cant leave any! Its just so convenient to call back. But, that is only if I make the effort or if its an important call.

Business owners should be concerned if they still depend on voicemail as a means of interacting with customers.

Hiring a virtual secretary or receptionist is ideally what most cost effective business owners turn to. The thought is that many potential customers call and leave no message when they hear voicemail. Have you ever tried hiring a contractor and left a message, then waited patiently for them to call back? Nope, rarely does that happen any more and if it does, those contractors are the ones living pay check to pay check.

You simply cannot leave money on the table by inconveniencing customers.

The answer is utilizing a 24/7 virtual assistant that performs the functions of a secretary or receptionist, and always answers the phone. Think of the high level of customer satisfaction, never having to hear “please leave a message”.

Here are a few things that virtual secretaries have to offer.

Instant Help/Assistance
Customers call and expect to be helped right now! Failing to answer the phone or provide a way for them to be aided creates dissatisfaction and frustration.

Live receptionists who are at the ready 24 hours a day, during rain or shine is what customers love, because this means they will be helped promptly. The American culture is obsessed with instant gratification. We have ‘fast food’ for that very reason.

Get a Dedicated and Highly Trained Staff Answering your Phones

Live messaging services are akin to voicemail because the customer does not receive any instant feedback. They still have to leave a message, despite being greeted by a friendly voice. Its unfortunately the cheap way out, and hyped up voicemail.

The only advantage is that a customer may be more likely to leave a message but those who hear a voicemail message prompt, yeah.. mostly lost business.

Dealing with customers in a professional manner requires skill and a tough skin. Most call center employees who operate from other countries or who work remotely from their homes, cannot offer high quality service because they are just not motivated. Staff that are cared for well, will give their best performance, especially when good work is recognized and praised.

Experience matters, and the higher end companies offer dedicated training and monitor their agents with the aim at improving their service.

Customer Service Boost

Most customers will pay more for higher levels of service than poor rate service. Some business owners consider the extra expense of providing great service to not be justified, yet you find so many customer paying more for better service.

People who get given attention, promptly, reward the businesses that do so, with loyalty. The first glaringly obvious point is that your customer is now getting helped instantly, so the convenience factor is huge!

Hiring a virtual assistant that is capable of addressing customer needs during after hours tells your customer that you’re concerned with meeting their needs. Couple that with a friendly smiling demeanor on the other end of the phone, just improves the relationship between you and your client.

When you treat people well, you’re not only going to see greater customer retention, but probably you’re also increasing positive reviews. Online reviews are valuable, so when you consider these unseen benefits,the reasons to not hire some virtual help makes more sense.


The Dangerous Effects of Red 40 Dye

Red Food Dye No. 40 is found in numerous foods, medications, vitamins, and dietary supplements. In fact, Red 40 dye is the most commonly used food dye in the United States. This harmful dye is used in many foods and medications that we use on a daily basis. More often than not, if a product is artificially pink or red, it contains copious amounts of Red 40 dye.

Red 40 in Foods

Red 40 dye can be found in most any processed food with a red coloring. Many of these can be quite obvious by their bright artificial colors such as candies, fruit snacks, and cereals. Some are not so easy to spot.  Several brands of hot dogs, dried meat jerkies, potato chips, and salad dressings include this harmful ingredient.

Red 40 in Medications

Red 40 is also inexplicably found in many medications,(prescription and OTC) vitamins, and dietary supplements. Most of these are children’s products made colorful to be more appealing. The bright red shade of infants acetaminophen and light pink of antibiotics are good examples. Many tablets are also colored with this dye as well as vitamins.

Harmful Effects

Most studies conducted on the effects of Red 40 have been done on rats. The rats did not fair too well. Most of them showed signs of increased allergies, cancer, low body and brain weight, and low brain weight in their offspring. Red 40 has also been linked to cancer, allergies, and hyperactivity in children. Migraines and anxiety have also been directly linked with this common ingredient.

The Legality

Red 40 is among a long list of dyes that are derived from petroleum and coal tar. All of these are banned in most first world countries, but not the U.S. They are illegalized in the U.K, France, Austria, Norway, and Finland to name a few. These food dyes are called the “rainbow of risk” by the Center for Science and Public Interest for obvious reasons.  The most disturbing thing about the relentless use of this dye is that it is not terribly difficult to use alternative means of food coloring. Many products can be brightly colored with spices, fruit, and vegetable juices.

The FDA demands that the use of Red 40 is disclosed in the ingredients list when used in a product. They are not, however, required to tell you how much a product contains. It is best to avoid this ingredient when possible and read labels. It is a common misconception that if you steer clear of foods rich in bright red coloring that you are safe from Red Food Dye No.40. This is not true. The only way to know is by reading the ingredients list thoroughly.


Side Effects Of Chemotherapy and Radiation

Cancer is a dreaded diagnosis for any patient looking for a clean bill of health. While many forms of cancer are treatable, the road to recovery is long and painful. Surgery, chemo, and radiation therapy are the most widely used forms of cancer treatment. It is not uncommon knowledge how hard these therapies are on the body.  Here you will find a brief overview of the side effects of conventional cancer treatment.

Short Term Effects

Chemo and radiation have a laundry list of side effects that will subside once the treatment is finished. The most common include:

Fatigue. Most patients report an unending feeling of tiredness and weakness brought on by the effects of cancer treatment.

Nausea and Vomiting. Chemo is, unfortunately, a potent poison. While it does kill cancer cells, it also attacks healthy ones. It is the body’s natural response to want to purge these toxins.

Hair Loss. Chemo and radiation attacks actively multiplying cells such as cancer. Hair follicles are also active cells which are attacked by the treatment.

Long Term Side Effects

There are many effects of chemo and radiation therapy that can last a lifetime.

Infertility. This form of cancer treatment can lead to fertility issues for both men and women. Women can even experience early menopause. These effects are usually permanent.

Nerve Damage.  Permanent numbness and tingling in various places on the body are not an uncommon after effect of cancer treatment.

Permanent Hair Loss. This is usually due to radiation therapy alone. In these cases, the active cells found in hair follicles die completely.

Memory Problems. This side effect is also called “chemo brain.” Many patients experience issues with long and short term memory that is severe enough to impact daily life.

Shortened Life Span

Unfortunately, traditional cancer treatment can be just as likely to shorten life spans as cancer itself.  This is especially true for patients who choose to undergo therapy when given a terminal diagnosis.

In  1979, an issue of the American Medical Association published an article by Dr. Maurice Fox, on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Based on studies conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Fox discovered many disturbing details of cancer treatment including:

  1. Total mastectomy was no more effective than a simple lump removal.
  2. The diagnosis of breast cancer doubled in frequency from 1935 to 1975, and the death rate had also doubled, meaning little-to-no progress had been made in the success of cancer treatment.
  3. A longer life span was found in patients who refused medical intervention than those who submitted to traditional treatments.
  4. Early detection meant quicker treatment and untimely death.

Controversy of Alternative Therapies

There are alternative therapies and natural treatments to cure cancers that are not invasive and suggest drastic diet change. These methods are shown effective by a treatment plan known as The Gerson Therapy. Founded by Dr. Gerson in the 20th century, he documented many recoveries of cancer patients and it is said that many were cured as a result of his alternative therapies.

Unfortunately, the United States does not allow doctors to treat cancer patients with alternative therapies, so the freedom of treatment, if you choose to go the traditional route, which often includes chemo and radiation therapy, your already weakened body will need to endure the onslaught of these toxic treatments.

It is not the purpose of this site to diagnose or advise of any treatment of any disease, we’re merely pointing out what has already been documented and what the data shows.

You decide for yourself.